Posts tagged ‘Molasses Creek ‘

Beyond Molasses Creek by Nicole Seitz

Published by Thomas Nelson and provided free for review, “Beyond Molasses Creek” by Nicole Seitz is a compelling story line. Ally returns home to bury her father and tells us her story starting from the time she was a child to bring us up-to-date. She recounts her reason for leaving and shows us why she has decided to stop travelling the world and make Molasses Creek her home once again. She reminds us why friendships are important and take work to keep. She also shows us that trust in God is necessary and even when it looks like all is lost God is still in control.

Though overall this is a compelling story of love, heartbreak and redemption showing the thread of God working in lives around the world, this reviewer nearly stopped reading the book after a few chapters. The intermittent flashes of a secondary story were confusing and didn’t seem to fit. It is important to note that what seems to be a secondary story is really “the story” and if you don’t choose to ignore the author’s style and finish the book you will miss a heartbreaking, rewarding story. A cursory glance of other books by Nicole Seitz show that the “style of writing” is usual for this author and unfortunately are written in a style of which I am not a fan.

Add a comment February 8, 2012

Bittersweet Surrender by Diann Hunt

Published by Thomas Nelson and provided free for review, Diann Hunt’s “Bittersweet Surrender” is a lesson in secrets and the damage to relationships that result. Set in an up-to-date Chocolate Spa, Carly Westlake is a woman who is fighting the issues of self-esteem, doubt and trust. Trusting God when something is going wrong can be difficult, but when it seems everything around you is falling apart and what you thought was truth isn’t, it takes a committed relationship with God for trust to develop. Carly, who through the tragedy of cancer and disfigurement, sees herself as incomplete and lets her physical looks shape her outlook on life and relationships. She uses if/then concepts to determine how she can make her world better. Still, she sees the value of friendship and family so she opens herself up to inconvenience and a lack of privacy in order to help others get a solid footing in their own lives. “Bittersweet Surrender” is packed with humor with an added touch of intrigue that keeps you involved in the story and will make you a fan of Diann Hunt’s books. This reviewer recommends you download a digital version or order your hard copy of “Bittersweet Surrender” today.

Add a comment January 7, 2012






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